There are a number of calf exercises, which can be easily done at home, since they do not require any elaborate equipment. One can make use of different things available at home to offer a good workout for calf muscles. Some of the best calf workouts have been mentioned in the following FitnessVigil article. Take a look.
One of the most neglected parts of the body are the calf muscles. However, more and more of us are realizing the importance of sculpting this part of the legs. One does not have to go to a gym for working the calf muscles and do a few exercises at home itself.
Although in gyms, there is a lot of paraphernalia which one can use, the same is not really required at home, for one can do these exercises without equipment as well. Moreover, it is ideal to make use of body weight for these exercises.
The following calf exercises can be of help for people who have skinny or fat calves because these exercises are capable of building toned calves. If you are planning to take a beach vacation or would want to show off your calves in summer, then it would not hurt to start doing calf exercises from now on itself.
Standing Calf Raises
Double Leg It is one of the best calf exercises without weights because it makes use of your own body weight. To do the double leg calf raises, in the initial days, you will need to hold on to something. Stand at the edge of a step, such that only the balls of your feet are resting on the step.
Slowly lift your heels, so that your weight is balanced on the toes. Hold for a few seconds. Then gradually lower your heels, so that they hang off the step and hold again for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times. This will put immense pressure on the calf muscles and tone them.
Single Leg Make it a point to include single leg calf raise in your calf workouts as well. Seek support from a wall or a chair, when you are doing this exercise. Let's assume that you are taking support from a wall in your living room. Stand facing the wall with palms placed against it for support. Lift your left leg and bend it.
This will put the entire body weight on the right leg, especially the foot. Now, raise your right heel and transfer the body weight to the ball of the foot completely. Hold on for a few seconds and release the heel to the ground. Change the legs and repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times to see good results.
Seated Calf Raises
One can do this calf muscle exercise anywhere around the house. Sit on a chair, such that the feet are placed flat on the ground. Lift your heels off the floor and balance your weight on the toes, which will tense the calf muscles. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. You can also do this exercise by placing some weight on your thighs for added resistance.
Skip on the balls of your toes for 20 to 25 minutes. This leg exercise will work the calf muscles. If you suffer from any kind of leg pain, don't do this exercise, as it can aggravate the condition. When you are starting off, perform the exercise for 5 minutes daily and then gradually increase the amount of time.
Other than various calf stretches, you can also do this thigh exercise. Stand with shoulder width distance between your feet, bend your knees, and lower yourself till your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds before you come back to the starting position.
Before you do the calf exercises, remember to warm up, else you can injure yourself. After doing the exercises, do not forget to stretch your calf muscles by pointing and flexing your toes.