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Breathing During Exercise

Puja Lalwani
If you are not aware of the importance of the right pattern of breathing during exercise, you may not be achieving much success with your exercise routine. This story provides information about the different breathing patterns to follow while exercising.
Many of us exercise rigorously, but are still unable to lose weight. We can't help but wonder where we are going wrong. Every type of exercise requires a certain technique to be performed so that it is effective. But a common technique that needs to be followed while doing every kind of exercise is proper breathing techniques.

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What most of us are unaware of is that the efficiency of different exercises depends on how we breathe while performing them.

Importance of Proper Breathing During Exercise

Maintaining a normal breathing rate during exercise is important to be able to achieve your goal, be it fitness or weight loss. Take a look at these reasons for breathing normally during exercise.
  • The amount of oxygen you take while breathing helps trigger the process of burning calories. When you breathe normally the process is triggered at the right time, in the right manner.
  • Holding your breath during exercise causes the blood pressure to rise significantly. Several weightlifters and athletes pass out because they do not follow proper breathing techniques while exercising.
  • Holding your breath can also lead to hyperventilation, and it is particularly unhealthy for those who already suffer from breathing problems. In fact, if you adhere to normal breathing patterns, you can exercise well even if you suffer from a respiratory condition.
Breathing normally gives you something to focus on, and this makes your exercise more efficient. Focus is an essential element that can be developed and used while exercising, and the development of this trait is helpful in other aspects of life as well.
  • Breathing normally gives you something to focus on, and this makes your exercise more efficient. Focus is an essential element that can be developed and used while exercising, and the development of this trait is helpful in other aspects of life as well.

Breathing Techniques

Just remember that while exercising, you ought to follow some basic breathing techniques. In fact, if you are performing rigorous physical exercises, your control over your breathing rate should be higher.

During Strength Training

The most important to remember is to exhale when you exert pressure. Exhale when lifting your body while doing crunches, and inhale when you lower your body. Similarly, while doing push ups, exhale when you push your body up, and inhale when you lower your body. The same technique is useful while lifting weights. Breathe in when you lift, and breath out when you lower the weight.

During Cardiovascular Exercises

Avoid taking shallow breaths while performing cardiovascular exercises. For instance, when you are running, you should breathe from the depths of your stomach. As is the case with strength training, this also gives you something to focus on while exercising.

During Stretching

When you perform stretches, the proper technique is to breathe deeply. This means, when you attain a particular position, you have to keep your breathing normal, but deep. Your strength to hold the position should emanate by breathing from your core.
Keep in mind that learning how to breathe normally during exercise may take a while. You may be overwhelmed by the amount of effort you have to put while concentrating on breathing normally. But, also remember that once you have mastered this technique, your exercise process is going to be much more enjoyable.