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Bodybuilding Workout Schedule

Indrajit Deshmukh
Anyone who goes to the gym knows that different people need different types of workouts. Here is a workout schedule for bodybuilders.
Building muscles is not an easy task but if you have discipline and are persistent with your efforts you will be able to get a well-toned physique. A workout schedule if accompanied with a good diet plan and rest routine will give you faster results. Schedule adherence is one of the most important things when you are following a schedule.
Correct form and technique while exercising is also important for beginners who want to build muscles. It helps you achieve your goal faster and also avoids injury. If you planning for bodybuilding don't perform more than 12 reps in one set, if you have the energy to do more than 12 reps then increase your weight.

Workouts for Bodybuilding

Choose a routine that suits your body and follow it for at least 2-3 months before deciding whether it's effective or not. There are many routines which promise results, pick one after discussing it with your personal trainer. Here are a few bodybuilding workouts that will help you build muscles faster.

One Muscle Each Day

Working one muscle on one day allows you to perform more exercises for that muscle group and leaves you with more energy for lifting heavier weights. Start each exercise with a warm up set, and go for very less heavy weight, Also, concentrate more on the form and technique.
After the warm up exercise go for heavy weights and perform a set with 12 reps, then increase the pounds and perform 10 reps. If you are lifting real heavy then you can also opt for 10-8-6 reps for your sets. Here is a one day one muscle bodybuilding workout schedule.
Day One (Chest)
  • Barbell Bench Press
  • Decline Dumbbell Press
  • Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Flat/Decline Dumbbell Fly
End the chest exercise workout by asking your buddy to balance a weight plate on your back and perform 2 sets of push ups till you hit fatigue level in each set.
Day Two (Shoulder)
  • Military Press
  • Dumbbell Over Head Press
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • Dumbbell Front Raises
End the shoulder exercises routine with pull ups if you have the energy. Remember to perform it with a weight belt around your waist.
Day Three (Triceps)
  • Barbell Triceps Press
  • Standing Triceps Dumbbell Press
  • Kickbacks
  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Triceps Pulldown
End the triceps exercises with double bar dips, and use a weight belt with it to increase its effectiveness.
Day Four (Legs)
  • Barbell Squats
  • Leg Press
  • Lunges
  • Calf Raises (Standing/Seated)
  • Leg Curl
End the leg exercises routine with glute extensions to get a firm back.
Day Five (Back)
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Dual Pulley
  • Dead Lifts
  • Shrugs
End the back exercises with weighted belt back pull ups. Perform as many reps in one set as possible.
Day Six (Biceps)
  • Barbell Bicep Curls
  • Preacher Curls
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Hammer Curls
End the bicep exercises with cable machine curls with overhand grip.

Pushing and Pulling Exercises

Exercises may be categorized into pushing exercises or pulling exercises and you can have a 5 day bodybuilding workout schedule around them. This is a good bodybuilding workout schedule for women as well as men. Along with this, have a proper diet plan to support the bodybuilding workout.
Day One - Pushing (Chest-Shoulder-Triceps)
  • Decline Dumbbell Press
  • Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Dumbbell Over Head Press
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • Triceps Pulldown
  • Double Bar Dips
Day Two (Cardio)
  • Treadmill
  • Cross Trainer
  • Exercise Bike
Spend 10-12 minutes on each machine for a good cardiovascular exercise.
Day Three - Pulling (Back-Bicep)
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Dead Lifts
  • Shrugs
  • Bicep Curls
  • Preacher Curls
Day Four (Legs)
  • Barbell Squats
  • Leg Press
  • Calf Raises
  • Leg Curl
  • Lunges
Day Five (Abs)
  • Crunches
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Leg Raises
  • Side Plank
Female bodybuilding exercises should include some high intensity aerobic exercises to build endurance and stamina for weightlifting. A good workout schedule if followed with discipline will start showing results in 60-90 days. Introduce some protein supplements to your diet plan as they will support muscle growth.
Disclaimer: Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.