The different body sculpting workouts are aimed at toning muscles as well as shaping them. The body sculpting exercises mentioned in this story will help you in regards to this.
The exercises performed for toning certain muscles of the body are known as muscle toning workouts. Resistance training, stretching and dance moves are the common exercises used for sculpting the body.
Body sculpting workouts are different from toning exercises in a sense that the former involves working on specific muscles to shape them in a definite way.
Workout for Body Sculpting
Here are some common body sculpting exercises. Performing these exercises regularly, helps in getting into good shape. Let us start with the squats. To perform squats, one should select weights in accordance with their fitness level. These weights should be set on the barbell followed by adjusting the height appropriately.
One should set the bar height below shoulder level and then bend the knees to get under the bar. The feet should lay flat on the ground. Keeping a shoulder-width distance between the feet and pointing toes slightly outwards, helps in proper body weight distribution.
After getting into the right position, barbells should be lifted and placed on the back of shoulders. The squat should then be performed by bending at the waist and getting into a position similar to that of sitting in a chair. The body should be raised above and barbell placed back into its original position.
Workouts for Men
These body sculpting exercises for men should be useful for readers.
Six-Pack Abs Workout
This workout is performed on an inclined bench. One has to lie down on the bench with feet placed on the ground. Hands need to be held firmly to a horizontal bar just behind the head. In this position, the elbows are raised above.
Now, the action to be performed is that of lifting the feet above the ground and bringing knees up to the elbows. The hips get curled in the process. The feet should then be lowered without touching it to the ground. It is recommended to lift the feet again and repeat the process 8 - 12 times.
Bench Press
The bench press is one of the common exercises used for body sculpting. One has to lay flat on the bench with the head and spinal cord aligned in a straight line; both feet should touch the ground.
The bar to be lifted should be held with an overhand grip. The distance to be maintained between both hands should be equal to shoulder-width. The bar should be lifted slowly by extending the elbows. After lifting the bar completely, it should be lowered down and placed in its original position.
Women's Workouts
Losing body fat should be the first thing to do in the process of sculpting muscles. One should take up body sculpting exercises or workouts as a long-term activity. It is recommended to start with simple exercises. These exercises could be side squats, push ups, arm raises, rows and extensions, etc.
It is okay to start doing simple dumbbell exercises. Those women who want to lose body fat, should first concentrate on cardiovascular exercises. Once that excess body fat is lost, other exercises should be performed to tone the body.
Basic Crunches
It is an abdominal exercise which helps in making the muscles strong and firm. To perform this exercise, one should lie on the back while keeping the knees in a bent position. Hands should be placed near the ears and at the back of head. One should steadily lift the lower back, shoulders and head while performing these abdominal crunches.
Workout Plan
The body sculpting workout routine presented below should help in shaping the body.
Chest and Back Exercises
Cardio and Abdomen
Leg and Shoulder workouts
Cardio and Abs
Triceps and Biceps
Cardio and any outdoor game.
The exercises mentioned above should help in shaping different muscles of the body. These workouts will also help in reducing body fat quickly.