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Benefits of Push Ups

Medha Godbole
There are many benefits of push up exercises, provided they are done regularly, and their number is sufficient enough. Read this story to know more about this topic.
Push ups are one of the basic exercise forms that are followed throughout the world. One of the best ones to build up the arm muscles, this exercise can be done without requiring any special equipment and training, and on any flat surface. There are many types of this form like normal push ups, knuckle push ups, dive bomber push ups, one-hand push ups, etc.

Push Up Benefits


The most evident and prominent benefit is strengthening or building up of the upper body, forearms, upper arms, wrists, shoulders, and chest. They also help you get in and stay well in shape.


Push ups serve as an excellent full body workout. Hindu push ups are a great way to exercise most of the major muscle groups in our body. Calf muscles, hamstring, and quads too are strengthened.


For women, strength and endurance building aspects with the help of these exercises is almost at par with barbells and heavy dumbbell exercises. Sometimes, women are not comfortable pumping it up with weights, and hence, push ups serve as a very effective substitute. Women are benefited in the form of muscle building and overall strength. Development of core strength is another huge advantage.


Push ups are a great booster of metabolism, which adds to the numerous benefits. There is a lot of physical exertion when you do push ups. This enhances the blood circulation and entire gamut of internal bodily processes, which results in improvement of general health quality, and burning of more calories.


In others exercises related to arm muscle building (for example, weight training exercises), the chances of injuries are more as heavy equipment is used. In case of push ups, injuries can be prevented, as no such accessories are utilized. If push ups are done as a part of warm up before weight training, then they are even more helpful in avoiding injuries.
The reason being that push ups give adequate stretch and strain to your body, which makes weight training on equipment easier for you. This pertains to dive bomber and knuckle push ups, as well.


Muscle growth is essential even if you are not aiming to be a body builder. Push ups lead to the development of a stronger, leaner, and healthier body, in addition to defined muscle lines. Increase in muscle mass and boost in the total muscle growth can definitely be achieved by doing push up exercises.