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Ball Exercises for Love Handles

Bhakti Satalkar
If you want to shed off the fat around the obliques, love handle ball exercises are the right ones for you. Using the stability ball intensifies the workout and the results are seen faster.
Most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle these days. This is what leads to accumulation of fat around the midriff. Often people workout the upper and the lower abs in their bid to reduce the waistline. However, they forget one important part of the abdominal region, which will give them the desired results, namely the oblique region. If along with the upper and lower ab exercises, one has to do the love handle exercises the results will be seen rather faster.
The Swiss ball exercises for love handles are rather easy to do and can also be done in the confines of home. Doing the exercises at home will make sure that one does not have to spend a lot of money on the gym memberships. It will also ensure that one does not gives reasons, like one does not have the time to spare to go to the gym for a workout.

Stability Ball Exercises for Love Handles

If you have been regularly doing oblique exercises on the floor, you will not find it difficult to do these exercises. Before we turn to the exercises, I would like to tell you why it is that doing love handle exercises with the stability ball gives results rather faster. When one uses the Swiss ball for a workout, the core muscles are worked much more, as one has to ensure that the stability ball is stable. This in turn helps give better results.

Stability Ball Oblique Crunches

Sit on the floor and place your legs on the stability ball. The feet should be off the floor and the calf muscles should be placed on the ball. Intertwine the fingers and place your hands behind your head. Now gradually lift your shoulders off the floor, as you keep your legs firmly on the ball and twist to the right.
Try to bring the left elbow as close as you can to the right knee. Slowly come back to the center and lower yourself a little, but do not touch the shoulders to the ground. Repeat the same on the other side as well. This Swiss ball ab exercise should be repeated 12 to 15 times per set.

Stability Ball Side Crunches

This is another great exercise for the oblique muscles. Place the Swiss ball, such that your feet are placed against the ball and your right hip is resting on the ball, but ensure your torso is off the ball. There should be about 1 ½ to 2 feet distance between both your feet, so that you have better support, when you do the exercise.
Intertwine your fingers and place your hands behind your head. Now slowly crunch sideways to the left as far as you can, but ensure your torso is in a straight line. Hold in the position for a couple of counts and then slowly lower yourself. Repeat the exercise for 12 to 15 counts in a set before you switch sides.

Stability Ball Twist

To do this exercise, place your torso on the stability ball, such that your knees are bent and the feet are firmly placed on the floor. Hold a small ball in your hands at the chest level. Extend your hands out. Place your buttocks firmly on the ball and twist your torso to the left till the hands are pointing to the wall. Slowly come back to the center and repeat the same on the other side as well. This exercise should be repeated 15 to 18 times on either side.

Stability Ball Side Plank

This is a relatively difficult stability ball ab exercise to practice. However, with practice you will not find it as difficult to do. When you are doing this exercise, you should use a smaller ball. With a bigger ball you will find it very difficult to do the exercise. Place the ball closer to a wall. Lie on your right side such that your right hand is firmly placed on the floor and your legs are downwards and placed on the ball.
Your hand should be placed exactly below your shoulder. Your arm should be extended out completely, as you try to balance. It is important that you do not let your torso and your buttocks drop. Hold the position for 10 counts and slowly release to repeat the exercise on the other side.
These are some of the simple love handle exercises. When you are doing the stability ball exercises, make sure you are balancing yourself fine. If at any point of time, you feel you are unstable, do not do the exercise, as it can lead to injuries. Along with these exercises, it is also important that you include some cardiovascular exercises in your workout schedule. The cardiovascular exercises will prove to be of great help in burning the fat accumulated around the oblique region.