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Arm Toning Exercises at Home

Indrajit Deshmukh
Bicep curls, tricep dips, pushups, and tricep extensions are some arm toning exercises at home you could try. Just make sure you follow the correct form to get desired results.
A lot of people spend their time trying to get a flat stomach and tend to ignore other body parts like the arms. Flabby arms can look displeasing and it is in your best interest to tone them before someone makes a joke about them. This does not mean that you take up an expensive health club membership and hire a personal trainer.
You can do arm toning exercises at home, all you will need is a pair of dumbbells and willingness to exercise. It is advisable to do a 5-7 minute warm routine before you start your arm toning exercises. You can do a warm routine that includes low intensity spot jogging or jumping jacks.
Following the correct form and technique is crucial to avoid exercise related injuries and get quick results.
If you're planning to start arm toning exercises at home, one of the things that you need to do is to prepare a workout schedule and adhere to it. Toning any part of the body without following healthy eating habits is difficult. So, ensure that you eat fat burning foods like vegetables and fruits and avoid foods like red meat and junk food. Here are some exercises that will help you tone your arms.

Bicep Curls

Stand with your feet hip width apart with dumbbells in each hand with your palms facing in front. Make sure your back is straight and you are looking straight ahead. Tuck your elbows into your torso and curl the dumbbells up towards your biceps by bending your arms at the elbows.
Come all the way up and hold the position for a second and slowly let your arms back down in a controlled movement. Repeat this movement for desired repetitions, don't do more than 20 reps in one set. Exhale as you curl the dumbbells up and inhale as you let them back down.

Tricep Dips

Stand with your back to a chair and place your palms on the tip of the chair behind your back. Now move slightly ahead and go down by bending your knees make sure your arms are fully extended. Now bend your arms at the elbow and go down so that you form a 90 degree angle with your upper arm and forearms. Then go back up to the starting position, exhale as you go up and inhale when you come back down.


Pushups will not only tone your arms but also help you develop a good upper body.
Lie down on your stomach with your palms planted on the floor close to your chest. Keep your legs fully extended with your toes touching the floor. Now lift your body off the floor so that your arms are fully extended and the toes are the only other body part touching the floor.
Now bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor, stop a few inches from touching the floor and then come back up. Inhale on your way down and exhale as you come back up.

Tricep Extension

For this exercise stand with your feet hip width apart and a dumbbell in your right hand and the left hand by your side. Now Lift your right hand over your head, make sure that the elbow is pointing forward and the arm is close to your ears. Now bend the arm at your elbows to get the dumbbell down behind your head. Inhale as you come down and exhale on your way back, repeat the movement with your left arm.
You can also include the hammer curl exercise to your arm toning regimen routine, the form is same as the bicep curls, just keep your palms pointed towards each other for the hammer curl routine. These simple arm toning exercises will help you get rid of the flab on your arms in quick time.