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Arm Muscle Workouts

Ratnashri Dutta
Arm workouts help in toning up your arms so that they look muscular. Here are some muscle workouts for both, men and women, who aspire to have well-toned arms.
If you are planning to get lean and toned arms within a span of a few weeks, then it is best that you hit the gym for a proper workout regimen. If you have a gym at home, well and good, but it is best that you do certain exercises under the supervision of a good gym instructor. Here are some exercises to try your hand on and get those well-toned muscular arms.

Barbell Curl

The first thing that you can try out is the barbell curl. This is mainly for the biceps and your lower arms. If you know the correct technique for barbell exercises, then you can achieve well-toned biceps quite easily. Using an underhand grip, first thing you have to do is, grasp your barbell. Then, in the form of an arc, curl up the bar towards your chest.
Your elbows should be by your sides when you lift the bar. Now, bring up the bar as high as possible and then squeeze your biceps. That will be count one. Now slowly, lower the barbell until your arms are stretched properly. Repeat the above process again till exhaustion. Be careful when you do this for the first time. Do not overexert yourself.

Incline Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is again for your biceps. You need dumbbells for this one. If you are doing this for the first time, then make sure that you do not lift more weight than what you are capable of. Here, firstly, sit on an inclined bench or a chair. Keep your feet wide apart.
Pick up the dumbbells and hold them at your sides at the arm's length. You can feel your biceps stretching. Now, lift up your arms to the shoulder level, and hold on for a few seconds. Then, again lower your arms to the sides and again hold on for a few seconds. Repeat the same process a few times. This exercise is really good for your biceps.

Close Grip Bench Press

This exercise is good for your triceps or your upper arms. First, lie down on the bench press. Make sure that your feet are planted flat on the ground. Now, with your hands, at least shoulder width apart, grasp the barbell with your palms facing downwards.
Now, straighten your arms and lift the bar out from its rack. Bring it down to your lower chest, to the point where the ribcage begins. Keep your elbows tucked in and your upper arms should be touching the sides of your body. Now, push the bar back to its rack, but make sure that your elbows are tucked in.
Now repeat the process again.

This exercise is very good for toning your triceps.

Triceps Push Downs

This exercise is again there for the triceps and the upper arms. First, you have to attach a straight bar to the pulley in the top section of the machine. Stand in front of it with your feet apart, approximately shoulder width distance.
Now, with your palms facing downwards, grab hold of the bar and keep it at your chest level. Bending your arms fully and keeping your elbows tucked in, lower the bar downwards. Now, push the bar downwards in the form of an arc till your arms are straight. You will feel some pressure on your triceps.
Hold on to this position for a few seconds and then, slowly release the bar to its starting position. Repeat the process for a few times.
The above were some workouts for women as well as men. But these workouts were with the use of machines. There are some arm exercises without weights. Let's see some of those workouts for women and men.

Workouts Without Weights

Some women may not be able to carry out the above exercises using machines. There are also some people, who have been asked not to lift heavy objects. So, does that mean, that they cannot have lean and well toned arms? Fortunately not, because for them, there are certain workouts, which can be carried out without the use of weights.

Backward Push Ups

Have you ever done push ups? If yes, then this will be simple for you because, you just have to do the opposite of normal push ups, i.e., in this exercise, you will be facing the ceiling instead of the floor. This is a great exercise for your arms and anyone can try it out. Also, you do not need any machine or weights for this.
What you have to do here is, rest your palms on the floor or against a flat surface, and stretch your legs outwards. Push against the surface and then, lower your body down. Remember not to bend your legs or your arms. Keep lowering your body as much as you can and then, slowly go back to the starting position.
Keep doing this for 10 minutes, but do remember to take a breather in between. Do not tire yourself out.

Drawstrings Pull

In this exercise, stand with your fists away from your chest and make them touch each other like an embrace. The more you keep your arms away from the chest, the more pressure you will exert, which will offer better results. The elbows should be parallel to the ground during this exercise.
Move your arms back and forth, while making the fists meet each other. Make the arm movements as smooth as possible or else you might pull a muscle. These exercises will help you get rid of those flabby arms, if you work really hard.
Now that you know some of the arm workouts, try them at home or at the gym. However, always make sure that, if you are doing these workouts for the first time, let someone be there to guide you along.