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Active Stretching Exercises

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
It's very necessary for everyone to perform a complete stretch before beginning a workout. This story on active stretching exercises explains its benefits and how it should be performed...
There's no need to explain how important fitness is in real life. Exercising on a regular basis ensures a healthy metabolism and a toned body. However, most people don't follow the basic rule before performing exercises; stretch the body enough. Not stretching enough increases the chance of suffering from an injury while performing exercises.
It's very essential to stretch before working out as it warms up the muscles and makes the body ready for some heavy lifting. There are seven types of stretching people practice but the most common are two major types; Dynamic and Active. Dynamic stretching means the body is in motion while performing stretching, as opposed to active stretching which does not involve any motion.
Active stretching are exercises which exercise specific muscle groups, and while doing that the body doesn't use any exercise equipment or any external force for balance. For instance; raising your leg in the air and keep it elevated for a few seconds without any support other than the support of your leg muscles is active stretching.
The other five types of stretching are: Ballistic, Passive, Active Isolated, Isometric and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching. All these five types are practiced by athletes and bodybuilders.

Stretching Exercises

Active stretching is very necessary and should be practiced on a daily basis as it prevents muscles to suffer from muscle strain and injuries. People can perform these stretches anytime of the day, they are great for relieving tension and stress from the body.

Single Leg Pelvic Tilt

Lie flat on your back and bend the left knee, but keep the other knee straight. Now place your hands behind the thigh and with the help of hip flexors, lift the bent knee towards the chest. Hold this position for a few seconds and release your leg very slowly. Do the same with the right knee. Do 8 to 9 reps for each leg.

Walking Lunge

For this stretch make sure there's enough space in the room. Begin by standing with the feet together, and take a large step forward and bend the knee. Now also bend the back knee until it is parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds and take the support of the front leg to come back to the original position again. Repeat with the other leg and make sure the bent knee doesn't extend ahead of the toes.

Leg and Rope

For this stretch it is necessary that you have a rope. Lie down flat on the back and bend both the knees with the feet flat on the floor. Make a loop from the rope and place the left foot into the loop. Now lock the knee and extend the leg straight out. Lift the extended leg as far as you can and then point it towards the ceiling.
Have a good grip to both ends of the rope and hold this stretch for few seconds and then release it. Now perform this stretch with the other leg. Perform 10 to 12 reps on each leg.


Sit with both legs out in front. Loop the rope around the foot of the left leg. It's necessary that the leg has to be straight at all times. Take help of the heel and flex the ankle towards the foot using the rope. Repeat the similar motion with the other leg and perform at least 10 reps in each foot.
There are some important pointers that people should remember while performing active stretches. A straight posture and correct technique are very important aspects of this active stretching. Many health experts say that it's good to go for a quick walk or run before indulging in active stretching.
Many people begin their exercise routine without stretching which is not considered healthy. Active stretching is healthy as it increases flexibility and strengthens muscles. Even yoga asanas and some steps of ballet are considered as stretching exercises. Before indulging in active stretching exercises it's a good idea to consult a doctor to avoid possible injuries.