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Ab Machine Workouts

Indrajit Deshmukh
There are different types of fitness equipment in the gym that you can go to work on your ab muscles and get a toned midsection. When using this equipment just make sure you follow correct techniques to get quick results.
Traditional floor exercises like crunches and sit ups aren't enough to tone your abdominal muscles you need to inculcate machine workouts in your exercise regimen. One thing you need to understand is that the abdominals are like any other muscles, and you need to stimulate them with resistance training to get the desired results.
The best way to do resistance training is with exercises equipment like cable machines. This way you can add variety to your abs workout and have a better chance at developing the elusive six-pack abs.
People who want to get rid of belly fat need to understand that it is not going to be easy without ab machine workouts. The belly region is the first to bulge out and the last to shrink when it comes to body fats. Remember to support your ab workouts with cardio exercises that last for at least 40 minutes to get quick results.
The cardio will help you lose body fat and help you quickly tone the belly region.

Ab Workouts with Machine

There are several machines and fitness equipment that you can use to work on your abdominal muscles. One of the things that you need to do before you start your workout is to do at least 5 - 7 minute warm up exercises. Another thing to remember is to pay attention to correct form and technique to avoid exercise related injuries and cramps.

Ab Crunch Machine

When you sit on the ab crunch machine make sure you sit all the way back and keep your back arched. Place your feet under the leg pads and grip the top handles so that your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle.
From this starting position crunch your torso towards your thighs so that you feel tension in your abdominal. Breathe out as you go down and breathe in as you come back up, repeat the movement for desired repetitions. Avoid jerky movements and pause for a moment as you go down and then come back up.

Lat Machine Crunch

Stand with your back to the lat pulldown machine and grab the handle with your arms shoulder width apart. Now sit down and pull the handle behind your head, make sure your back is straight, this will be your starting position.
Dig your feet firmly into the floor and crunch your torso forward as if you are trying to touch your knees. Breathe out as you go all the way down and hold for a moment and inhale as you come back up to the starting position. Repeat the movement for desired repetitions and adjust resistance according to your fitness level.

Cable Machine Crunch

Grab the rope attachment on the cable machine and go down on your knees, pull the rope all the way down to the back of your head. Make sure that you grip the rope right next to the neck muscles and keep your thighs perpendicular to the floor.
Now exhale and crunch your body forward as if you are trying to bang your head on the floor. Hold the position for 1 count and then inhale as you go back up to the starting position. Adjust the resistance level and repeat the movement for desired repetitions.

Dip Machine Leg Raises

This is one of the best machines to work out your lower abs, rest your forearms and elbows on the padded rests on the dip machine. Make sure your legs are fully extended below you and the torso is straight. Exhale as you bend your knees and bring them up to wards your chest, hold the position for a moment and then let them back down.
Inhale as you let your feet down, concentrate on your lower abdominal muscles as you exercise. Repeat the movement for desired repetitions and you can even wear ankle weight belts to increase resistance.
You can also use the medicine ball to do crunches by keeping your legs on top of the ball as your body rests on the floor. Remember to treat your abdominals like muscles and train them on machines in order to get desired results. Also, inculcate a healthy diet and lifestyle habits to support your ab machine workouts if you're planning to develop six-pack abs.