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5 Tips for Becoming a Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer consists of much more than just trying to get clients.
Modern Times
Becoming a personal trainer may seem like an easy job. Who doesn’t want to help someone reach their fitness goals?

But, before rounding up your clients, you should be certified, be focused, and have the tools necessary for your continuing success as a trainer.

Get certified

Before becoming a personal trainer, do some research on the best personal training certifications available.

Ensure that you get the most out of your training and you’ll be able to gain and keep your clients, because they’ll know you can deliver great results.

Focus on the client, not the money

Do what you can to learn how to make the most out of your education. Learn about cutting edge training equipment and ways to improve your client’s experience, because this will make you more money in the long run.

It’s not about quantity when it comes to clients, it’s about quality.

Get professional liability insurance

Accidents happen, and you have to anticipate that your clients may unintentionally injure themselves.

Liability insurance will protect you and your finances if this occurs. Before opening your own personal training facility or working for a gym, be sure that you’re covered.


Just like a doctor specializes in their education, it is important for a trainer to specialize.

Specializing allows you to focus on clients with specific goals like weight loss, bodybuilding, or rehabilitative training. Keep your focus on getting overall results.

Market yourself

Even if your end goal is to work in a gym setting, it is important to market yourself. These days, people are all about their image on the internet.

Have a website or social media platform that displays your area of focus, personal story, or even how you are determined to help others.
Becoming a personal trainer is no easy task, so do your research before choosing a certification program.

You’ll get more clients and be able to keep them with the knowledge you’ve accumulated throughout your career. So stay focused and don’t forget to market yourself!