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5 Benefits of Power Clean

Matt Thompson
Bench press, deadlifts, squats, and shoulder presses are some of the most popular exercises people perform in the gym. But there is one exercise often overlooked - the power clean. Today we are going to explain the benefits you will have when you start the power clean exercise.

Muscle Development

Power clean is whole body exercise and not only the shoulder exercise. It is a misconception that power clean is only about shoulder exercise. The greatest benefit you get is well-developed leg muscles. You will find great development of upper and lower back.

Explosive Strength

Generally, weight lifting is about body strength. When you start to lift weight, it improves your capacity. It means you become stronger. Power clean exercise is all about weight lifting. So, this exercise makes your body stronger incredibly.

Burn Body Fat

When you are doing power clean exercise your full body is working out. A full body working out is effective to burn fat and calories. As fats burn equally, your muscle definition and size will improve impressively.

A Full Body Workout

While having power clean exercise means you are doing your shoulder, leg, and upper and lower back exercise. It is amazing that you are getting the full-body exercise from just one exercise. Though there are exceptions for a different part of the body.

Stronger Bones

Stronger bones are imperative for weight lifting. For strong bones, the best practice is a power clean exercise. When you start power clean exercise, in the long run, you find that exercise makes your bones stronger, denser and harder.